PC-17 View of Bay Point Me. 46. $15
PC-18 View of Sullivan, Me. 108. $18
PC-19 Spool Mill So. Lincoln, Me $25 SOLD!
PC-20 G.T.R.R. Freight Train, Danville, Me. 12.
PC-21 West Shore Ocean Point, Me 34k. $15
PC-22 Cottage near Boat Landing, Capitol, Me

PC-23 East Boothbay, Me. $25 |
PC-24 Harbor Scene, Newagen, Me. $15 SOLD! |
PC-25 Grand lake Hotel, Grand Lake Stream Me.
PC-26 Shirley, Me 13b. $20
PC-27 Shirley, Me 16a. $25
PC-28 Shirley, Me 14a. $20
PC-29 Pine Hurst, Salmon Lake, Me $18
PC-30 7 cards of Camp Winnecook, Unity, Me. $95
PC-31 Indian Dance, Watonga, Sept. 13, 1911.
A little rough. $30